NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
state one thing to describe me :)
Friday, February 18, 2011

state one thing to describe me :)

Answer here

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hani , you were the first whom the nurse showed me .
& i notice , how cute & small you were .
same goes to Nina , i love you . I love both of you .
the moment i heard your cries , i knew .
i did the right thing .
i know i may be not the best mother in the world ,
but ill do my best i can .
Now , after 3 months you guys started to react to the surroundings .
you guys were so CUTE . mcm mummy -. heh
cepat cepat la besar , senang mummy nk bwk nina&hani kluar .
oklah till here . once again I LOVE YOU .

love , your mummy :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

ok aku hilang mood sgt sgt .
mood nk mkn pon hilang uh bebual ngn kau .
babi tol . ape sia problem kau ?

ps:disini saye ingin mengucapkan selamat hari jadi kpd nonet tersygggg!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

its friday the 13th !!
aiyoooooooooooo,someone's gonna die ^^
okay done .

makin hari makin irritating plak kau .
ish , da lah aku rimas uhc .
shafe'i.(hehs btol tk spelling '?)
geranmyer aku ngn kauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu .
ok cut , tadi g poly antar hani for an injection tapi the nurse canceled pasal hani got minor flu :(
&& the doc says if the flu comes with coughing plus fever must immidiately go hospital coz hani is a prematured baby senang dpt symptoms and virus .
tsk tsk . alala mummy sayang hani kay tkmo sick sick kay .
*uwek wek .

semalam gy bazaar geylang just checking around jerrr .
tk bnyk kedai bukak dan blom ramai orang .

ps: blood saye sungguh cute post pasal saye <3

kental yek
Thursday, August 12, 2010

hello kreatures .
let me share with u something .

theres this macam paham convo which made me laugh out loud .
bullshit sia this boy .
so here it goes ;

after so much talking this part made me laughu
fazly (adik faizal shah ) : woi pantat! aku tanye ko,ko nk main2kn abang aku pe ?ckit hari aku nampak ko ngn jntan lain , nasib baik aku tgh mabuk lau tak da lame aku pecahkn muke kau , pantat kau abg aku sanggup tak alik rumah maki mak aku,patah alik keje kapal,atlast blakang dia kau main gila..nnti ape ? kau mengandung lagi abg aku kena tanggung kau lagi ah kau ingat tau fara.. aku dgn budak2 aku tgh carik mimi .. jangan sampai carik kau pulak !

hahahahaha , this is the confession of org mcm paham .
he didnt even know what happened between me and his brother .
lagi pon kau sadar la diri kau sikit . masih umor adikadik siol .
ramai2 blh uh kau brani cube kau sorang ?! kental yek .
ni kau ckp kau gangster ? merepek sia kau .
and fyi , selame ni abg kau tanggung ape ?
cube cerite kat aku . mase aku kt hospital aku ke die yg supply duit .
eh sudah lah aku pon tk nk ungkit kan .
bilang abg kau aku nk barang2 aku dan duit aku yg die pinjam tu .
da baik aku tk report polis .
mmg satu family kau mcm sial uh .
ish puase puase buat org marah pulak .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

okay so much of pictures talkings , now its the other way round .
last weekend i went to ubin (its PKIM thingy).
yes , celestial resort .
it was beautiful !
the first thing i was at changi jetty , i thought things wont be as i expected .
but it turns out to be WORTHLESS .
yes , its so boring . sume bdk2 kecik ngn pakcik makcik je .
WTH~ . tkde gang sia .
mendak gile ! sampi je bilik da mls nk kluar .
whats the point ? urgh~
malamnye BBQ + campfire .
yes i did join . hehe sape tk nk mkn ?
tapi , one thing i hate the most is , NYAMOK !!!
bnyk siol . habis kaki i ade dot dot . eeeeeeee
tu da tk pe . balik bilik je nmpk soldiers line up .
semot la tu . bnyk !! gigit gigit plak tu . ish macam jatoh ditimpa tangge gitu .
spend an hour killing it . humans won ! tapi penat sey .
ok da mls nk story telling panjang2 .

on monday 09082010 .
haha went out with sabby , hannan & peot .
well, peot bnyk complain la ! panas la ape la .
ish sape suro pakai baju mcm tu ! >_<
tapi overall i had a not so great night actually . but having them around was fun .
fyi , for me seeing fireworks under the dark sky was so damn romantic ! hehe .

today is also the day for all muslims utk berpuase :)
puaselah kawan kawan ku .
raye nk dkt , tk dpt duit raye padan muke . hehs

im super duper lazy to update lahhhhhhhh
let the pictures do the talking alright ?

the unique one


im 17 yrs old with 2 lovely kids , nina farina & hani farisha . i laugh . i shout . i love . i brag .i eat .i sleep . ok so much of it~ i never let the actons of another make or break me and i never let a single persons shake me because honestly i dont give a fuck who hates me . :)

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he said she said

blast the stereo

Nas WONG <3<3<3
G I R L F R I E N Dfeeza<3<3
s a s h a
M I Z A H <3
m i r a b e l l<3
afai sly la konon <3
anak ripangi <3
kiera shakee<3
nabbeylah'b <3

rewind those memories

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